How We’re Encouraging Sustainability at Our Childcare Centre
The Tiny Legends team are excited about sustainability! We love to think about ways we can get your tamariki involved in sustainable practices at daycare, and we love to share our ideas with you. We reckon one of the coolest ways you can be sustainable at home is to grow your own food, and if you have no experience in planting and maintaining a garden we can give you a few pointers on how to get started.
No Space? Think Small
If you and your daycare child live in an apartment or flat in Palmerston North and you don’t have a garden area, there are still ways to grow a bit of food. You just need some plastic tubs and a bit of soil, when you are sprouting your seeds you can use old milk containers with the tops cut off and egg cartons with a bit of dirt thrown in. Lots of neighbourhoods also have a community garden space where you can drop off food scraps, get involved with growing vegetables and maybe even get a space for you and your whanau. At Tiny Legends childcare, we feel very lucky to have our very own garden.
Learn About the Food Circle
At our childcare centre in Palmerston North, we like to get our hands dirty! Tamariki have an opportunity to help out in the garden and we work together to keep our garden humming along. We have a worm farm that we take care of and we sprout our seeds before we pop them into our garden bed, we watch the plants develop, and observe the way birds and insects interact with the ecosystem we have created. Then it’s time for the Tiny Legends kids to help out with the harvest!
Compost Is Key
When we are discarding food in our kitchen we put our organic matter into the compost container, this goes out to the big compost in the outdoor area and will eventually be fed back into the soil to make it rich and productive. This is a great way for your Tiny Legends tamariki to learn more about the ways in which we can feed ourselves while also learning about reducing waste. Like we said, we are excited about sustainability! We are here to chat about ways to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle and we love it when whanau get involved in the cool stuff we are doing at our early childhood centre.
Get in touch to chat about enrolments, or anything else you think we can help with, we are keen to grow stronger communities together at Tiny Legends in Palmerston North.